柠檬香草Openzone Bar - Ocean 6AM (2023) FLAC
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<td width="720"><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><font color="White"></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><font color="#ffffff"><br></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"><br><font size="3" color="#ffffff">艺术家: Openzone Bar<br>专辑名称: Ocean 6AM<br>发行时间: 2023<br>厂牌: Lemongrassmusic<br>音乐流派: Chill Out, Lounge, Downtempo, Ambient<br>音频编解码: FLAC (tracks)<br><br><iframe frameborder="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="330" height="450" src="//music.163.com/outchain/player?type=1&id=169877860&auto=1&height=430"></iframe><br>Tracklist:<br><br>01. Coastline Chill 03:43<br>02. Bay Breeze 04:27<br>03. Aqua Velva 03:50<br>04. Sunshine Lemon Drop 04:28<br>05. Ocean 6AM 04:37<br>06. Closer To The Sand 04:57<br>07. All Day In July 04:18<br>08. French 77 04:56<br>09. Away Tomorrow 04:54<br>10. Lunch Break 01:34<br>After two albums released under the label Lemongrassmusic, Romanian producer Openzone Bar now presents his third album ”Ocean 6AM”. After the albums „Lifestyle“ (2012) and „Limestone“ (2015) there were no releases from Openzone Bar until now. “Ocean 6AM” is an album that was made with warm and nostalgic water sounds in mind – sounds by the sea and oceans where the wind is most present during the morning hours. Keeping the roots from his last albums which had laid-back beats, relaxed grooves, cocktails and tranquility, this current album has a similar spirit on the one hand but on the other hand it features a bit more Electronica style vibes, reprise sounds and new surprising beats, which we can be heard on the track „Aqua Velva“.<br><br>The album starts with an Ambient track (Coastline Chill) – a track that feels perfect for any intro of a set or just simple listening anywhere where there is a need for a break or a relaxing time. The second track (Bay Breeze) shows the typical Openzone Bar breakbeat style – with a bit of piano touch from the middle of the track. Aqua Velva is the go-to track for the perfect summerish vibe and laid-back sound. A track that works best when you listen to on hot summer days. The fourth track (Sunshine Lemon Drop) again comes with a breakbeat and a bit of a nostalgic vibe. The next track (Ocean 6AM) relaxes you even slower with continuous rhythmic beach sounds in the background and warm vocals. „Closer To The Sand“ has a perfect deep house and chillout vibe. „All Day In July“ has a similar vibe like „Coastline Chill“ but on a different note, while „French 77“ follows the same breakbeat sound as „Bay Breeze“ & „Sunshine Lemon Drop“. The last two tracks „Away Tomorrow“ and „Lunch Break“ end the album with a bit of an Electronica sound and a reprise style, closing the album which is a complete pack from first track until the last note, perfect for relaxing summer days<br></font></div><div align="center"><font color="#ffffff"><br></font></div><div align="center"></div><div align="center"></div><p align="center">
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<p align="center"> <font size="3" color="#e4cc8b"><strong> — — 淡月荐 碟 — — </strong></font></p></strong></font></td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr></tbody></table> 新专辑太棒了,喜欢这个厂牌 聆聽天籟之音 謝謝樓主~~~~~ 好音乐赶紧收藏!谢谢楼主! 谢谢辛苦分享美妙柠檬香草音乐! 这个好听谢谢提供~~ 这张专辑我喜欢~~ 感谢分享 谢谢 感谢 提供 分享 谢谢分享柠檬香草。